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Services Page

Personal Care


Transport And Travel


Community Access


Meal Prep


Short Term Accommodation


Medication Assistance


Supported Independent Living


Communication Support


Emotional Support


24 Hour Care


Respite Care


Support In Pursuing Interests
And Hobbies


Support With Transitioning Into Independent Living


Assistance With
Household Tasks


At Unified Home Care our experienced team understands the importance of providing exceptional care for clients and the importance of supporting them to achieve their goals. Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients to maintain their independence, support them to achieve their goals, and support them to build their capacity which is why we offer a range of services to clients to ensure they achieve their goals.  

At Unified Home Care our experienced team understands the importance of providing exceptional care for clients and the importance of supporting them to achieve their goals. Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients to maintain their independence, support them to achieve their goals, and support them to build their capacity which is why we offer a range of services to clients to ensure they achieve their goals.  

The services we offer at Unified Home Care are: Personal Care, Assistance With Household Tasks, Support In Pursuing Interests And Hobbies, Transport And Travel, Community Access, Meal Prep, Medication Assistance, Respite Care, Short Term Accommodation, Support With Transitioning Into Independent Living, Supported Independent Living, 24 Hour Care, Emotional Support, Communication Support, And Many More.

The services we offer at Unified Home Care are: Personal Care, Assistance With Household Tasks, Support In Pursuing Interests And Hobbies, Transport And Travel, Community Access, Meal Prep, Medication Assistance, Respite Care, Short Term Accommodation, Support With Transitioning Into Independent Living, Supported Independent Living, 24 Hour Care, Emotional Support, Communication Support, And Many More.

At Unified Home Care we work with you to develop a support plan to provide in-home & community support services that are customised to your needs and to support you to live as independently as possible. At Unified Home Care our number one priority is you and we believe that there is no limit to what we can achieve as we are stronger together.

At Unified Home Care we work with you to develop a support plan to provide in-home & community support services that are customised to your needs and to support you to live as independently as possible. At Unified Home Care our number one priority is you and we believe that there is no limit to what we can achieve as we are stronger together.

At Unified Home Care our team are dedicated and passionate highly qualified support workers, cleaners, and gardeners who are committed to putting our clients needs first. This means all of our clients can feel confident that they are being supported by people who have all the skills that are needed to handle every task and situation. At Unified Home Care we put great emphasis on training and experience which ensures that we deliver quality support,

products, and services to our clients.

At Unified Home Care our team are dedicated and passionate highly qualified support workers, cleaners, and gardeners who are committed to putting our clients needs first. This means all of our clients can feel confident that they are being supported by people who have all the skills that are needed to handle every task and situation. At Unified Home Care we put great emphasis on training and experience which ensures that we deliver quality support,

products, and services to our clients.

To find out more contact our experienced and knowledgeable team today who will be able to support you with any questions or requirements you may have.

To find out more contact our experienced and knowledgeable team today who will be able to support you with any questions or requirements you may have.


Assistance With Household Tasks

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Unified Home Care’s Assistance With Household Tasks service supports clients to maintain their home environment by supporting clients with undertaking essential household tasks that they may not be able to do themselves or that they need assistance with, by supporting clients with experienced employees to assist them with household tasks or to do the household task for them.

Unified Home Care’s Assistance With Household Tasks service supports clients with a variety of tasks such as cleaning, dishwashing, laundry, and ironing, our Assistance With Household Tasks service is not restricted to tasks inside the house and can include tasks such as gardening, backyard cleaning, grocery shopping, garbage disposal, and many more.

Our experienced and knowledgeable support workers support clients

with household tasks by cleaning stove tops, by wiping down bench tops and inside fridges, by vacuuming or mopping floors, by dusting, by washing the dishes, by changing bed linen, by doing the washing, by drying and folding the washing, by ironing, by putting the washing away, by mowing lawns, by cleaning the backyard, by doing the shopping, by putting the shopping away, by taking out the garbage, and much more.


Personal Care

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Unified Home Care's Personal Care Service supports clients with personal care tasks such as showering or bathing, grooming, shaving, toileting, dressing, feeding, attending appointments, supporting with the use of aids and appliances, assisting with mobility and transferring, assisting with basic first aid to help support clients well being, independence, and sense of pride.

Our experienced and knowledgeable team have had the right training to properly and safely use equipment.

Our Personal Care service can be required in a range of settings such as a client living alone in their own home, a client living with family or other people, when a client is undertaking social, recreational, education or employment activities, or during respite care.


Transport And Travel

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Unified Home Care's Transport And Travel service supports clients to live life by ensuring they don’t miss out on the things that matter most such as social interactions out in the community.

Unified Home Care’s Transport And Travel service supports clients to live life by taking them to places, by helping them to connect with friends and family, by joining in on community events, by helping clients attend appointments, by helping clients to run errands, by helping clients to participate in education or volunteering activities, and by even helping clients go on holidays.


Community Access

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Unified Home Care understands the importance of supporting clients to have someone to talk to, and share ideas with.

Unified Home Care’s Community Access service provides that person for clients, which helps to improve feelings and emotions.

Our Community Access service supports clients and shows them that they are cared about and helps them to feel like their life has purpose.

Our Community Access service supports clients to get out of the house and achieve their goals.

Our Community Access service supports clients to achieve their goals by trying a new activity, going out into the community, going for a coffee and a chat, going to watch a movie or a show, going out for a nice meal, going out shopping, joining a social group or community activity, learning how to use public transport, learning to play an instrument or singing, going to a sporting match, and many more activities.

Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients to do more of the things they already enjoy or support clients to get out of their comfort zone and try something new.


Meal Prep

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Unified Home Care’s Meal Prep service is provided by our experienced and knowledgeable team who are qualified support workers, our support workers are experienced, knowledgeable, and are amazing cooks.

Our support workers help support clients to meal prep by helping plan meals, by helping write a shopping list, by doing the shopping with clients or for them, by working with the client to teach them the skills to do their own cooking or if not possible our team do the cooking for you.

Our support workers make sure that clients nutritional needs are met and the required amount of food for their body is provided to help them stay as healthy as possible, our team specially design a menu for clients that includes good foods and foods that will be enjoyed.


Short Term Accommodation

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Unified Home Care’s Short Term Accommodation service helps to support clients, carers, and family members by providing them with short breaks, time away, or temporary accommodation solutions.

Unified Home Care’s Short Term Accommodation service supports clients by helping them join a new community group, by having a short break or time away from home to try new things and make new friends or to learn a new skill, and by providing temporary accommodation solutions for clients.

Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients with their short term accommodation needs by working with the client to determine their short term accommodation needs, by working with the client to find short term accommodation, and by helping clients to settle in to their short term accommodation.


Medication Assistance

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Unified Home Care’s Medication Assistance service provides support to clients to ensure that their mediation is taken as prescribed, as intended, and at the right time.

Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients with their medication needs by helping clients to self administer their medication, by supporting clients decision makers with medication assistance, and by administering medication for the client.

Our Medication Assistance service can help support clients with their medication needs by opening packages of medication for the client, by providing medication to the client for immediate ingestion or application, by providing verbal reminders to the client, and by providing hands on assistance or observation.


Supported Independent Living

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Unified Home Care’s Supported Independent Living service is the support clients need for tasks around the home and everyday support clients need to live as independently as possible.

Supported independent living is tasks we do every day, such as having support workers to assist with daily tasks around the home such as personal care, managing household tasks, showering, dressing, cooking, eating, cleaning, and shopping.

Unified Home Care’s Supported Independent Living service helps clients to see their potential, our experienced and knowledgeable team listen to clients and work with them and their support network to create a plan that best suits their needs and lifestyle goals.

Unified Home Care’s Supported Independent Living service supports clients to live life their way by having the opportunity to live in a friendly and caring environment, by ensuring the clients voice is heard and respected, by partnering with clients to improve their daily living skills, and by helping clients to grow their independence.


Communication Support

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Unified Home Care’s Communication Support service helps support clients to live life by providing communication support such as supporting clients with understanding things, by supporting clients to express themselves, and by supporting clients to interact with other people.

Our experienced and knowledgeable team work with clients to ensure our Communication Support service meets the clients needs and provides flexibility in the way things are communicated, our team use a variety of methods to communicate with clients such as having information in audio format instead of written form, easy to read information, and using pictures to explain the information.

Unified Home Care’s Communication Support service helps to support clients by helping them to access services, by helping them attend appointments, by helping them understand advice they have been given, by helping them with questions they have, by helping them with responses, by helping them with flexibility and reliability, by helping them pay attention, by helping them express emotions and feelings, and by helping them to communicate with others.


Emotional Support

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Unified Home Care’s Emotional Support service supports clients to live life by providing care and concern for clients, by offering reassurance, by having empathy, by providing comfort and acceptance, by helping clients find self help groups, by offering physical support, by offering support with important people in the clients life, and by offering social support.

Unified Home Care’s Emotional Support service offers genuine encouragements, reassurance, and compassion for clients.

Our Emotional Support service can include things such as verbal expressions of sympathy, physical gestures, and referrals to outsourced services or groups.

Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients with Emotional Support by referring them to external religious or spiritual services, by helping them to attend community activities or groups, by listening actively and empathically to the client, by giving them our full attention, by displaying open body language, by avoiding distractions, by not interrupting the client, by summarising what was said to ensure understanding, by helping clients to join community groups, by helping clients spend time with friends and family, by helping clients with hobbies and exercise, by helping clients with respite services, by referring clients to external services, and by helping clients go on a holiday.


24 Hour Care

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Unified Home Care’s 24 Hour Care service provides in home care support to clients for all hours of the day.

Our 24 Hour Care service allows clients to stay in their own home and is a flexible alternative to placing clients into a residential facility.

Unified Home Care’s 24 Hour Care service supports clients to live in their own home by providing assurance that a support worker is there to support them with their needs at all times of the day.

Our 24 Hour Care service overnight shift can be either active or inactive depending on the clients needs.

Our 24 Hour Care service is ideal for clients who live alone and want to remain in their own home.

Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients by providing peace of mind for family members, by monitoring and caring for clients during all hours of the day, by providing reassurance or emotional support, by providing personal or continence care, by proving medication assistance, by repositioning clients in bed if requested, by supporting clients with toileting, by supporting clients with temperature control, by supporting clients with blood sugar checks, by helping clients stay hydrated, and by supporting the safety of the client.


Respite Care

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Unified Home Care’s Respite Care service helps to support clients, carers, and family members by providing them with short breaks, and time away from their home.

Unified Home Care’s Respite Care service supports clients by helping them to join a new community group, by having a short break, by providing extra support to clients when family members or carers are not available, by providing time away from home to try new things and make new friends or to learn a new skill, by providing holidays or camps for clients, and by allowing clients to improve their health and well being.

Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients with their respite care needs by working with the client to determine their respite care needs, by working with the clients family members or carers to determine respite care needs, and by planning and organising respite care needs for the client.


Support In Pursuing Interests And Hobbies

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Unified Home Care’s Support In Pursuing Interests And Hobbies Service helps to support clients by helping them to develop interests and hobbies, by helping them to discover passions and talents, by helping them to gain many benefits from trying out different activities, and by helping them to select hobbies that interest them.

Unified Home Care’s Support In Pursuing Interests And Hobbies service supports clients to live life by helping them to make friends, by helping them to build self confidence and identity, by helping them to find ways to relax or relieve stress, by helping them to avoid boredom, by helping them to foster creativity, and by helping them to develop skills and knowledge.

Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients with support in pursuing interests and hobbies by working with them to find interests and hobbies that they might like to pursue, by assisting clients to overcome challenges, by supporting clients with the tools needed to participate in the interest or hobby, by helping the client plan and organise the interest or hobby, our team supports clients with interests and hobbies they might like to pursue such as music, art, sport, puzzles, craft, gardening, photography, cooking, classes, fitness, outdoor activities, fishing, holidays, and much more.


Support With Transitioning Into Independent Living

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Unified Home Care’s Support With Transitioning Into Independent Living service supports clients to live life by supporting clients with an effective transition from out of home care to supported independent living, by providing clients with a positive transition, supports clients to plan and prepare their transition, provides encouragement to clients, supports clients with a strong and effective referral pathway, supports clients with social and economic participation.

Our Support With Transitioning Into Independent Living service supports clients by helping them with their vision of independent living, provides clients with opportunities, provides clients with skills they need to learn, supports clients to engage in community life, supports clients with confidence and resilience, supports clients to establish stable social and economic independence.

Our team supports clients with transitioning into independent living by supporting them to set clear goals, supporting them to build their capacity, supporting clients with a consistent approach, supporting clients with expectations, supporting clients to plan and organise, supporting clients to establish their independence, helping clients to establish their support and personal network, supporting clients with adjustments in their life, supporting clients with their aspirations, supporting clients with daily living challenges, and supporting clients with their choices.


Personal Care

Unified Home Care's Personal Care Service supports clients with personal care tasks such as showering or bathing, grooming, shaving, toileting, dressing, feeding, attending appointments, supporting with the use of aids and appliances, assisting with mobility and transferring, assisting with basic first aid to help support clients well being, independence, and sense of pride.

Our experienced and knowledgeable team have had the right training to properly and safely use equipment. Our Personal Care service can be required in a range of settings such as a client living alone in their own home, a client living with family or other people, when a client is undertaking social, recreational, education or employment activities, or during respite care.

Unified Home Care's Personal Care Service supports clients with personal care tasks such as showering or bathing, grooming, shaving, toileting, dressing, feeding, attending appointments, supporting with the use of aids and appliances, assisting with mobility and transferring, assisting with basic first aid to help support clients well being, independence, and sense of pride.

Our experienced and knowledgeable team have had the right training to properly and safely use equipment. Our Personal Care service can be required in a range of settings such as a client living alone in their own home, a client living with family or other people, when a client is undertaking social, recreational, education or employment activities, or during respite care.


Transport And Travel

Unified Home Care's Transport And Travel service supports clients to live life by ensuring they don’t miss out on the things that matter most such as social interactions out in the community.

Unified Home Care’s Transport And Travel service supports clients to live life by taking them to places, by helping them to connect with friends and family, by joining in on community events, by helping clients attend appointments, by helping clients to run errands, by helping clients to participate in education or volunteering activities, and by even helping clients go on holidays.

Unified Home Care's Transport And Travel service supports clients to live life by ensuring they don’t miss out on the things that matter most such as social interactions out in the community.

Unified Home Care’s Transport And Travel service supports clients to live life by taking them to places, by helping them to connect with friends and family, by joining in on community events, by helping clients attend appointments, by helping clients to run errands, by helping clients to participate in education or volunteering activities, and by even helping clients go on holidays.


Community Access

Unified Home Care understands the importance of supporting clients to have someone to talk to, and share ideas with. Unified Home Care’s Community Access service provides that person for clients, which helps to improve feelings and emotions. Our Community Access service supports clients and shows them that they are cared about and helps them to feel like their life has purpose. Our Community Access service supports clients to get out of the house and achieve their goals.

Our Community Access service supports clients to achieve their goals by trying a new activity, going out into the community, going for a coffee and a chat, going to watch a movie or a show, going out for a nice meal, going out shopping, joining a social group or community activity, learning how to use public transport, learning to play an instrument or singing, going to a sporting match, and many more activities. Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients to do more of the things they already enjoy or support clients to get out of their comfort zone and try something new.

Unified Home Care understands the importance of supporting clients to have someone to talk to, and share ideas with. Unified Home Care’s Community Access service provides that person for clients, which helps to improve feelings and emotions. Our Community Access service supports clients and shows them that they are cared about and helps them to feel like their life has purpose. Our Community Access service supports clients to get out of the house and achieve their goals.

Our Community Access service supports clients to achieve their goals by trying a new activity, going out into the community, going for a coffee and a chat, going to watch a movie or a show, going out for a nice meal, going out shopping, joining a social group or community activity, learning how to use public transport, learning to play an instrument or singing, going to a sporting match, and many more activities. Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients to do more of the things they already enjoy or support clients to get out of their comfort zone and try something new.


Meal Prep

Unified Home Care’s Meal Prep service is provided by our experienced and knowledgeable team who are qualified direct support employee’s, our direct support employee’s are experienced, knowledgeable, and are amazing cooks. Our direct support employee’s help support clients to meal prep by helping plan meals, by helping write a shopping list, by doing the shopping with clients or for them, by working with the client to teach them the skills to do their own cooking or if not possible our team do the cooking for you.

Our direct support employee’s make sure that clients nutritional needs are met and the required amount of food for their body is provided to help them stay as healthy as possible, our team specially design a menu for clients that includes good foods and foods that will be enjoyed.

Unified Home Care’s Meal Prep service is provided by our experienced and knowledgeable team who are qualified direct support employee’s, our direct support employee’s are experienced, knowledgeable, and are amazing cooks. Our direct support employee’s help support clients to meal prep by helping plan meals, by helping write a shopping list, by doing the shopping with clients or for them, by working with the client to teach them the skills to do their own cooking or if not possible our team do the cooking for you.

Our direct support employee’s make sure that clients nutritional needs are met and the required amount of food for their body is provided to help them stay as healthy as possible, our team specially design a menu for clients that includes good foods and foods that will be enjoyed.


Short Term Accommodation

Unified Home Care’s Short Term Accommodation service helps to support clients, carers, and family members by providing them with short breaks, time away, or temporary accommodation solutions. Unified Home Care’s Short Term Accommodation service supports clients by helping them join a new community group, by having a short break or time away from home to try new things and make new friends or to learn a new skill, and by providing temporary accommodation solutions for clients.

Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients with their short term accommodation needs by working with the client to determine their short term accommodation needs, by working with the client to find short term accommodation, and by helping clients to settle in to their short term accommodation.

Unified Home Care’s Short Term Accommodation service helps to support clients, carers, and family members by providing them with short breaks, time away, or temporary accommodation solutions. Unified Home Care’s Short Term Accommodation service supports clients by helping them join a new community group, by having a short break or time away from home to try new things and make new friends or to learn a new skill, and by providing temporary accommodation solutions for clients.

Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients with their short term accommodation needs by working with the client to determine their short term accommodation needs, by working with the client to find short term accommodation, and by helping clients to settle in to their short term accommodation.


Medication Assistance

Unified Home Care’s Medication Assistance service provides support to clients to ensure that their mediation is taken as prescribed, as intended, and at the right time. Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients with their medication needs by helping clients to self administer their medication, by supporting clients decision makers with medication assistance, and by administering medication for the client.

Our Medication Assistance service can help support clients with their medication needs by opening packages of medication for the client, by providing medication to the client for immediate ingestion or application, by providing verbal reminders to the client, and by providing hands on assistance or observation.

Unified Home Care’s Medication Assistance service provides support to clients to ensure that their mediation is taken as prescribed, as intended, and at the right time. Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients with their medication needs by helping clients to self administer their medication, by supporting clients decision makers with medication assistance, and by administering medication for the client.

Our Medication Assistance service can help support clients with their medication needs by opening packages of medication for the client, by providing medication to the client for immediate ingestion or application, by providing verbal reminders to the client, and by providing hands on assistance or observation.


Supported Independent Living

Unified Home Care’s Supported Independent Living service is the support clients need for tasks around the home and everyday support clients need to live as independently as possible. Supported independent living is tasks we do every day, such as having direct support employees to assist with daily tasks around the home such as personal care, managing household tasks, showering, dressing, cooking, eating, cleaning, and shopping.

Unified Home Care’s Supported Independent Living service helps clients to see their potential, our experienced and knowledgeable team listen to clients and work with them and their support network to create a plan that best suits their needs and lifestyle goals.

Unified Home Care’s Supported Independent Living service supports clients to live life their way by having the opportunity to live in a friendly and caring environment, by ensuring the clients voice is heard and respected, by partnering with clients to improve their daily living skills, and by helping clients to grow their independence.

Unified Home Care’s Supported Independent Living service is the support clients need for tasks around the home and everyday support clients need to live as independently as possible. Supported independent living is tasks we do every day, such as having direct support employees to assist with daily tasks around the home such as personal care, managing household tasks, showering, dressing, cooking, eating, cleaning, and shopping.

Unified Home Care’s Supported Independent Living service helps clients to see their potential, our experienced and knowledgeable team listen to clients and work with them and their support network to create a plan that best suits their needs and lifestyle goals.

Unified Home Care’s Supported Independent Living service supports clients to live life their way by having the opportunity to live in a friendly and caring environment, by ensuring the clients voice is heard and respected, by partnering with clients to improve their daily living skills, and by helping clients to grow their independence.


Communication Support

Unified Home Care’s Communication Support service helps support clients to live life by providing communication support such as supporting clients with understanding things, by supporting clients to express themselves, and by supporting clients to interact with other people. Our experienced and knowledgeable team work with clients to ensure our Communication Support service meets the clients needs and provides flexibility in the way things are communicated, our team use a variety of methods to communicate with clients such as having information in audio format instead of written form, easy to read information, and using pictures to explain the information.

Unified Home Care’s Communication Support service helps to support clients by helping them to access services, by helping them attend appointments, by helping them understand advice they have been given, by helping them with questions they have, by helping them with responses, by helping them with flexibility and reliability, by helping them pay attention, by helping them express emotions and feelings, and by helping them to communicate with others.

Unified Home Care’s Communication Support service helps support clients to live life by providing communication support such as supporting clients with understanding things, by supporting clients to express themselves, and by supporting clients to interact with other people. Our experienced and knowledgeable team work with clients to ensure our Communication Support service meets the clients needs and provides flexibility in the way things are communicated, our team use a variety of methods to communicate with clients such as having information in audio format instead of written form, easy to read information, and using pictures to explain the information.

Unified Home Care’s Communication Support service helps to support clients by helping them to access services, by helping them attend appointments, by helping them understand advice they have been given, by helping them with questions they have, by helping them with responses, by helping them with flexibility and reliability, by helping them pay attention, by helping them express emotions and feelings, and by helping them to communicate with others.


Emotional Support

Unified Home Care’s Emotional Support service supports clients to live life by providing care and concern for clients, by offering reassurance, by having empathy, by providing comfort and acceptance, by helping clients find self help groups, by offering physical support, by offering support with important people in the clients life, and by offering social support. Unified Home Care’s Emotional Support service offers genuine encouragements, reassurance, and compassion for clients.

Our Emotional Support service can include things such as verbal expressions of sympathy, physical gestures, and referrals to outsourced services or groups. Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients with Emotional Support by referring them to external religious or spiritual services, by helping them to attend community activities or groups, by listening actively and empathically to the client, by giving them our full attention, by displaying open body language, by avoiding distractions, by not interrupting the client, by summarising what was said to ensure understanding, by helping clients to join community groups, by helping clients spend time with friends and family, by helping clients with hobbies and exercise, by helping clients with respite services, by referring clients to external services, and by helping clients go on a holiday.

Unified Home Care’s Emotional Support service supports clients to live life by providing care and concern for clients, by offering reassurance, by having empathy, by providing comfort and acceptance, by helping clients find self help groups, by offering physical support, by offering support with important people in the clients life, and by offering social support. Unified Home Care’s Emotional Support service offers genuine encouragements, reassurance, and compassion for clients.

Our Emotional Support service can include things such as verbal expressions of sympathy, physical gestures, and referrals to outsourced services or groups. Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients with Emotional Support by referring them to external religious or spiritual services, by helping them to attend community activities or groups, by listening actively and empathically to the client, by giving them our full attention, by displaying open body language, by avoiding distractions, by not interrupting the client, by summarising what was said to ensure understanding, by helping clients to join community groups, by helping clients spend time with friends and family, by helping clients with hobbies and exercise, by helping clients with respite services, by referring clients to external services, and by helping clients go on a holiday.


24 Hour Care

Unified Home Care’s 24 Hour Care service provides in home care support to clients for all hours of the day. Our 24 Hour Care service allows clients to stay in their own home and is a flexible alternative to placing clients into a residential facility. Unified Home Care’s 24 Hour Care service supports clients to live in their own home by providing assurance that a direct support employee is there to support them with their needs at all times of the day.

Our 24 Hour Care service overnight shift can be either active or inactive depending on the clients needs. Our 24 Hour Care service is ideal for clients who live alone and want to remain in their own home. Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients by providing peace of mind for family members, by monitoring and caring for clients during all hours of the day, by providing reassurance or emotional support, by providing personal or continence care, by proving medication assistance, by repositioning clients in bed if requested, by supporting clients with toileting, by supporting clients with temperature control, by supporting clients with blood sugar checks, by helping clients stay hydrated, and by supporting the safety of the client.

Unified Home Care’s 24 Hour Care service provides in home care support to clients for all hours of the day. Our 24 Hour Care service allows clients to stay in their own home and is a flexible alternative to placing clients into a residential facility. Unified Home Care’s 24 Hour Care service supports clients to live in their own home by providing assurance that a direct support employee is there to support them with their needs at all times of the day.

Our 24 Hour Care service overnight shift can be either active or inactive depending on the clients needs. Our 24 Hour Care service is ideal for clients who live alone and want to remain in their own home. Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients by providing peace of mind for family members, by monitoring and caring for clients during all hours of the day, by providing reassurance or emotional support, by providing personal or continence care, by proving medication assistance, by repositioning clients in bed if requested, by supporting clients with toileting, by supporting clients with temperature control, by supporting clients with blood sugar checks, by helping clients stay hydrated, and by supporting the safety of the client.


Respite Care

Unified Home Care’s Respite Care service helps to support clients, carers, and family members by providing them with short breaks, and time away from their home. Unified Home Care’s Respite Care service supports clients by helping them to join a new community group, by having a short break, by providing extra support to clients when family members or carers are not available, by providing time away from home to try new things and make new friends or to learn a new skill, by providing holidays or camps for clients, and by allowing clients to improve their health and well being.

Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients with their respite care needs by working with the client to determine their respite care needs, by working with the clients family members or carers to determine respite care needs, and by planning and organising respite care needs for the client.

Unified Home Care’s Respite Care service helps to support clients, carers, and family members by providing them with short breaks, and time away from their home. Unified Home Care’s Respite Care service supports clients by helping them to join a new community group, by having a short break, by providing extra support to clients when family members or carers are not available, by providing time away from home to try new things and make new friends or to learn a new skill, by providing holidays or camps for clients, and by allowing clients to improve their health and well being.

Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients with their respite care needs by working with the client to determine their respite care needs, by working with the clients family members or carers to determine respite care needs, and by planning and organising respite care needs for the client.


Support In Pursuing Interests And Hobbies

Unified Home Care’s Support In Pursuing Interests And Hobbies Service helps to support clients by helping them to develop interests and hobbies, by helping them to discover passions and talents, by helping them to gain many benefits from trying out different activities, and by helping them to select hobbies that interest them.

Unified Home Care’s Support In Pursuing Interests And Hobbies service supports clients to live life by helping them to make friends, by helping them to build self confidence and identity, by helping them to find ways to relax or relieve stress, by helping them to avoid boredom, by helping them to foster creativity, and by helping them to develop skills and knowledge.

Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients with support in pursuing interests and hobbies by working with them to find interests and hobbies that they might like to pursue, by assisting clients to overcome challenges, by supporting clients with the tools needed to participate in the interest or hobby, by helping the client plan and organise the interest or hobby, our team supports clients with interests and hobbies they might like to pursue such as music, art, sport, puzzles, craft, gardening, photography, cooking, classes, fitness, outdoor activities, fishing, holidays, and many more.

Unified Home Care’s Support In Pursuing Interests And Hobbies Service helps to support clients by helping them to develop interests and hobbies, by helping them to discover passions and talents, by helping them to gain many benefits from trying out different activities, and by helping them to select hobbies that interest them.

Unified Home Care’s Support In Pursuing Interests And Hobbies service supports clients to live life by helping them to make friends, by helping them to build self confidence and identity, by helping them to find ways to relax or relieve stress, by helping them to avoid boredom, by helping them to foster creativity, and by helping them to develop skills and knowledge.

Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients with support in pursuing interests and hobbies by working with them to find interests and hobbies that they might like to pursue, by assisting clients to overcome challenges, by supporting clients with the tools needed to participate in the interest or hobby, by helping the client plan and organise the interest or hobby, our team supports clients with interests and hobbies they might like to pursue such as music, art, sport, puzzles, craft, gardening, photography, cooking, classes, fitness, outdoor activities, fishing, holidays, and many more.


Support With Transitioning Into Independent Living

Unified Home Care’s Support With Transitioning Into Independent Living service supports clients to live life by supporting clients with an effective transition from out of home care to supported independent living, by providing clients with a positive transition, by supporting clients to plan and prepare their transition, by providing encouragement to clients, by supporting clients with a strong and effective referral pathway, and by supporting clients with social and economic participation.

Unified Home Care’s Support With Transitioning Into Independent Living service supports clients by helping them with their vision of independent living, by providing clients with opportunities, by providing clients with skills they need to learn, by supporting clients to engage in community life, by supporting clients with confidence and resilience, and by supporting clients to establish stable social and economic independence.

Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients with transitioning into independent living by supporting them to set clear goals, by supporting them to build their capacity, by supporting clients with a consistent approach, by supporting clients with expectations, by supporting clients to plan and organise, by supporting clients to establish their independence, by helping clients to establish their support and personal network, by supporting clients with adjustments in their life, by supporting clients with their aspirations, by supporting clients with issues that may arise, by supporting clients with new technology or equipment, by supporting clients with daily living challenges, and by supporting clients with their choices.

Unified Home Care’s Support With Transitioning Into Independent Living service supports clients to live life by supporting clients with an effective transition from out of home care to supported independent living, by providing clients with a positive transition, by supporting clients to plan and prepare their transition, by providing encouragement to clients, by supporting clients with a strong and effective referral pathway, and by supporting clients with social and economic participation.

Unified Home Care’s Support With Transitioning Into Independent Living service supports clients by helping them with their vision of independent living, by providing clients with opportunities, by providing clients with skills they need to learn, by supporting clients to engage in community life, by supporting clients with confidence and resilience, and by supporting clients to establish stable social and economic independence.

Our experienced and knowledgeable team support clients with transitioning into independent living by supporting them to set clear goals, by supporting them to build their capacity, by supporting clients with a consistent approach, by supporting clients with expectations, by supporting clients to plan and organise, by supporting clients to establish their independence, by helping clients to establish their support and personal network, by supporting clients with adjustments in their life, by supporting clients with their aspirations, by supporting clients with issues that may arise, by supporting clients with new technology or equipment, by supporting clients with daily living challenges, and by supporting clients with their choices.


Assistance With Household Tasks

Unified Home Care’s Assistance With Household Tasks service supports clients to maintain their home environment by supporting clients with undertaking essential household tasks that they may not be able to do themselves or that they need assistance with, by supporting clients with experienced employees to assist them with household tasks or to do the household task for them.

Unified Home Care’s Assistance With Household Tasks service supports clients with a variety of tasks such as cleaning, dishwashing, laundry, and ironing, our Assistance With Household Tasks service is not restricted to tasks inside the house and can include tasks such as gardening, backyard cleaning, grocery shopping, garbage disposal, and many more.

Our experienced and knowledgeable direct support employees support clients with household tasks by cleaning stove tops, by wiping down bench tops and inside fridges, by vacuuming or mopping floors, by dusting, by washing the dishes, by changing bed linen, by doing the washing, by drying and folding the washing, by ironing, by putting the washing away, by mowing lawns, by cleaning the backyard, by doing the shopping, by putting the shopping away, by taking out the garbage, and many more.

Unified Home Care’s Assistance With Household Tasks service supports clients to maintain their home environment by supporting clients with undertaking essential household tasks that they may not be able to do themselves or that they need assistance with, by supporting clients with experienced employees to assist them with household tasks or to do the household task for them.

Unified Home Care’s Assistance With Household Tasks service supports clients with a variety of tasks such as cleaning, dishwashing, laundry, and ironing, our Assistance With Household Tasks service is not restricted to tasks inside the house and can include tasks such as gardening, backyard cleaning, grocery shopping, garbage disposal, and many more.

Our experienced and knowledgeable direct support employees support clients with household tasks by cleaning stove tops, by wiping down bench tops and inside fridges, by vacuuming or mopping floors, by dusting, by washing the dishes, by changing bed linen, by doing the washing, by drying and folding the washing, by ironing, by putting the washing away, by mowing lawns, by cleaning the backyard, by doing the shopping, by putting the shopping away, by taking out the garbage, and many more.